Postgraduate School

Nigerian Defence Academy

List of Available Academic Programmes
    1. Department of Defence And Security Studies
      1. MPhil/PhD Defence and Security Studies (DSS)
      2. MPhil/PhD Defence and Strategic Studies (DSS)
      3. M.Sc. Defence and Strategic Studies(DSS)
    2. Department of Geography
      1. MPhil/PhD Geography (Urban)
      2. MPhil/PhD Geography (Remote Sensing & GIS)
      3. MPhil/PhD Geography (Population)
      4. MPhil/PhD Geography (Environmental Management)
      5. MPhil/PhD Geography (Climatology)
      6. M.Sc. Geography (Urban)
      7. M.Sc. Geography (Remote Sensing & GIS)
      8. M.Sc. Geography (Military Geography)
      9. M.Sc. Geography (Environmental Management)
      10. M.Sc. Geography (Climatology)
    3. Department of History And War Studies
      1. MPhil/PhD History (International Studies)
      2. MPhil/PhD History (Military History)
      3. M.A. History (International Studies)
      4. M.A. History (Military History)
    4. Department of Languages
      1. M.A. English
      2. M.A. French
      3. M.A. Arabic
      4. MPhil/PhD Arabic
    5. Department of Political Science
      1. MPhil/PhD Political Science
      2. M.Sc. Political Science
      3. MPhil/PhD in Public Policy and Administration
      4. MPhil/PhD in International Relations and Strategic Studies
      5. M.Sc. in Public Policy and Administration
      6. M.Sc. in International Relations and Strategic Studies
    6. Department of Psychology
      1. M.Sc. Clinical Psychology
    1. Department of Civil Engineering
      1. MPhil/PhD Civil Engineering (Water Resources and Environmental Engineering)
      2. MPhil/PhD Civil Engineering (Structures)
      3. MPhil/PhD Civil Engineering (Geotechnics)
      4. M.Eng. Civil Engineering (Water Resources and Environmental Engineering)
      5. M.Eng. Civil Engineering (Structures)
      6. M.Eng. Civil Engineering (Geotechnics)
      7. MPhil/PhD Civil Engineering (Highway)
    2. Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering
      1. MPhil/PhD Electrical/Electronic Engineering (Electronic and Communications)
      2. MPhil/PhD Electrical/Electronic Engineering (Power and Machine)
      3. M.Eng. Electrical/Electronic Engineering (Electronics and Communications)
      4. M.Eng. Electrical/Electronic Engineering (Power and Machine)
    3. Department of Mechanical Engineering
      1. MPhil/PhD Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluid and Energy)
      2. MPhil/PhD Mechanical Engineering (Production)
      3. M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering (Production)
      4. M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids & Energy)
    4. Department of Mechatronic Engineering
      1. M.Eng. Mechatronic Engineering
    1. Department of Accounting
      1. MPhil/PhD Accounting
      2. M.Sc. Accounting
    2. Department of Economics
      1. MPhil/PhD Economics
      2. M.Sc.Economics
    3. Department of Management Studies
      1. MPhil/PhD Management
      2. M.Sc. Management
    1. Department of Computer Science
      1. M.Sc. Computer Science
      2. MPhil/PhD Computer Science
    2. Department of Cyber Security
      1. M.Sc. Cyber Security & Digital Forensics
    3. Department of Intelligence And Security Science
      1. M.Sc. in International Security
    1. Department of Biology
      1. MPhil/PhD Parasitology
      2. MPhil/PhD Medicinal & Poisonous Plants Studies
      3. M.Sc. Parasitology
      4. M.Sc. Medicinal & Poisonous Plants Studies
      5. MPhil/PhD Ecology and Environmental Biology
      6. MSc in Ecology and Environmental Biology
    2. Department of Biotechnology
      1. M.Sc. Biotechnology
      2. MPhil/PhD Biotechnology
    3. Department of Chemistry
      1. MPhil/PhD Chemistry (Environmental)
      2. MPhil/PhD Chemistry (Analytical)
      3. M.Sc. Chemistry (Organic)
      4. M.Sc. Chemistry (Material Science & Explosives)
      5. M.Sc. Chemistry (Inorganic)
      6. M.Sc. Chemistry (Environmental)
      7. M.Sc. Chemistry (Analytical)
      8. MPhil/PhD Chemistry (Material Science and Explosives)
      9. MPhil/PhD Chemistry (Inorganic)
      10. MPhil/PhD Chemistry (Organic)
    4. Department of Mathematical Sciences
      1. M.Sc. Mathematics (Pure Mathematics)
      2. M.Sc. Mathematics (Applied Mathematics)
      3. MPhil/PhD Mathematics (Pure Mathematics)
      4. MPhil/PhD Mathematics (Applied Mathematics)
    5. Department of Physics
      1. MPhil/PhD Physics (Solid State)
      2. MPhil/PhD Physics (Nuclear and Radiation)
      3. M.Sc. Physics (Theoretical)
      4. M.Sc. Physics (Solid State)
      5. M.Sc. Physics (Nuclear and Radiation)
      6. MPhil/PhD Physics (Theoretical)
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